What Is Psoriasis?

Introduction to Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a Chronic disease​ In which skin cells grow too quickly, resulting in the development of thick, white, silvery scale, or red patches of skin. It develops when a person’s immune system sends faulty signals that cause skin cells to grow too quickly, as a result, new skin cells form in days rather than weeks. The body does not shed these excess skin cells. The skin cells pile up on the surface of the skin, causing patches of psoriasis to appear. The patches range in size from small to large. Most commonly effected areas include knees, elbows, scalp, hands, feet, or lower back.

Impacts On Social Life!

Psoriasis impact on patients!

The burden of the disease extends beyond physical manifestations and includes significant physical, social and psychological impairment. Numerous studies have demonstrated the significant negative impact of psoriasis on quality of life.
The family members of patients with psoriasis experience a wide range of detrimental effects on their lives with regards to psychological social and lifestyle modifications, interpersonal relationships, financial issues, family activities, sleep and issues related to the practical care of the patients.

Cause Of Psoriasis!

Psoriasis may look contagious, but it’s absolutely not. You cannot get Psoriasis from touching someone who has Psoriasis. You cannot get psoriasis from swimming in the same pool or having sex. Experts believe that psoriasis occurs when the immune system overreacts, causing inflammation and flaking of skin. In some cases, psoriasis runs in families.

To get psoriasis, a person must inherit the genes that cause it. Scientists have learned that a person’s immune system and genes play important roles. It seems that many genes must interact to cause psoriasis. Scientists also know that not everyone who inherits the genes for psoriasis will get psoriasis. It seems that a person must inherit the “right” mix of genes. Then the person must be exposed to a trigger.

Many people say that their psoriasis began after they experienced one of these common psoriasis triggers:

Many people say that their psoriasis began after they experienced one of these common psoriasis triggers

Stressful Event

Taking Certain Medicines

Infections / Germs

Cold Dry Weather

People with psoriasis often notice times when their skin gets worse. Things that can cause these flare-ups include a cold and dry climate, infections, stress, dry skin, and taking certain medicines.

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Why Choose Cosmetique!

What we promise at Cometique!

Cosmetique Dermatology Clinic doctors have extensive experience treating children and adults who have psoriasis.
Specialized treatment. Cosmetique offers all treatments for this disease, including one for moderate to severe psoriasis that’s not available at many places. The Goeckerman treatment, which involves daily ultraviolet light exposure and application of coal tar over the whole body.
The right diagnosis. Each form of psoriasis has unique characteristics, and their effects on people range from mild to almost totally disabling.


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